- PREA Compliant Victim Services Programs Include:
- Immediate steps when resident is at substantial risk of immediate sexual abuse (115.262)
- An institutional coordinated response plan (115.265)
- Formal agreements with victim advocates and outside confidential support service providers (115.253)
- Use of uniform evidence protocol that maximizes potential for collecting usable physical evidence (115.221)

- Provision of Emergency Medical and Mental Health care and forensic evidence collection as appropriate (115.221, 115.282, & 115.283)
- Preventive Measures (115.282, 115.283)
- Forensic evidence Collection (115.221)
- Accompaniment by victim advocate (115.221 (d) )

- Immediately separate victim from suspect
- Preserve the crime scene
- Request victim do not take any action that could destroy evidence
- Victim disclose information on “need to know” basis

- Access to ER Medical Care and Crisis intervention services (115.282)
- Victim not required to cooperate in investigation or name the perpetrator (s) (115.282)
- Care is free of charge (115.282)
- Access to victim advocate (115.221)

- Forensic Evidence Collection (115.221)
- Investigatory Interviews with an advocate present (115.221)
- Treatment of injuries (115.282)
- HIV and STI care (115.282)
- Crisis Counseling (planning) (115.282)

Responsive Planning
The responsive planning standards (PREA) require agencies to take steps to ensure that all incidents of sexual abuse are investigated and that victims of sexual abuse have access to forensic medical exams and rape crisis advocates. Agencies that are unable to provide access to rape crisis advocates must document their efforts to secure advocacy services and provide access instead to either a qualified staff member from a community-based organization or a qualified agency staff member.

The purpose of assuring a unified effort between entities involved to provide offenders/resident with confidential emotional support services related to sexual violence by complying with federal rules and regulations associated with the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) standards 115.21 and 115.53 (Prisons & Jails) and 115.221 and 115.253 (Community Confinement Facilities)
- MDOC shall provide access between the victim and MSCASA or related affiliates ( Sexual Assault Programs), for the purpose of providing confidential emotional support services to victims who seek their services related to sexual abuse upon request.
- MSCASA will respond to the victim’s request from any facilities that house MDOC offenders and provide support services related to sexual violence including, hospital accompaniment for offender/residents during the forensic medical examination process, in-hospital investigatory reviews, emotional support services, and referrals.
Community Confinement PREA Standards
115.221 Evidence protocol and forensic medical examinations
115.253 Resident access to outside confidential support services
115.264 Correction Staff first responder duties
115.265 Coordinated response
115.282 Access to emergency medical and mental health services
115.283 Ongoing medical and mental health care for sexual abuse victims and abusers
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For information regarding PREA, contact Melanie Barton at mbarton@mscasa.org
For additional PREA resources, please visit: