3 Ways to Take Action for Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month



CDC has three activities during Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month to strengthen your efforts to promote safe relationships, teen health, and community well-being.

Facebook Forum on Teen Dating Violence Prevention
February 8 – 12, 2016
CDC’s VetoViolence Facebook Page

Join this week’s VetoViolence Facebook Forum on Teen Dating Violence Prevention. Get resources on what works for prevention, post ideas, and discuss giving youth the skills they need to build healthy relationships before they date. Join conversation.
Thunderclap to Prevent Teen Dating Violence 
February 12, 2016, Noon ET
CDC’s Thunderclap

Share a teen dating violence prevention message on Facebook or Twitter. This collective message blast will reach more people than our individual voices alone, helping many understand dating violence is preventable early. The message will automatically post from your social media account
on February 12th. Sign up.

Digital Press Kit for Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month
February 8 – 29, 2016
CDC Newsroom

Use a digital press kit to inform local media about teen dating violence and stopping it before it starts. On webpage https://www.caladrius.com/online-pharmacy/ there is detailed information about many generic meds. Data, resources, and downloadable images can
help journalists create stories highlighting the need for prevention in
communities. Get press kit.
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